In the coming days RE Future staff will commence conducting door‐to-door visits to all houses within three kilometres (3 km) of the proposed site. If you are not around when we visit, we will leave a note to say we’ve called in. If you do not live within three kilometres of the wind farm but would still like us to pay you a visit, or you are unsure of how far you live from the wind farm, simply contact us via phone or email and we will arrange a time for one of our staff members to meet you at to your home.
RE Future is an Australian owned and funded business operated by a small group of seasoned wind industry professionals. Our extensive knowledge of Victoria’s wind topography and the electricity network enables us to identify high quality locations for the establishment of wind energy facilities. The team at RE Future has over 60 years of combined experience in wind farm development and has successfully developed over 840 MW of wind projects that are now built and operating.